Please Note: Patients with Inhibitors require Special Treatment

Do not give aspirin:
- Aspirin impairs platelet function which may compound an existing bleeding disorder.
(see package insert)
15-25 mg/kg/dose po/IV q6 or 8 hr.
- Antifibrinolytic – prevents clot breakdown.
- Indicated for mucous membrane bleeding.
- Contraindicated in haematuria or with concurrent use of Factor IX complex, or activated PCC.
0.3 μg/kg IV in normal saline over 20-30 minutes
0.4 μg/kg SC
- Moderate or mild haemophilia A and von Willebrand disease.
- Releases stored Factor VIII and vWF into circulation.
- Less effective with lower baseline Factor VIII level.
- Tachyphylaxis may occur with repeat doses.
- Beware of fluid retention and syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
- Monitor weight and baseline U+E
- Restrict fluid as necessary
Following the injections:
Press on area > 5 min.
Apply ice.
Subcutaneous injection is safer.
- Avoid other intramuscular injections in Haemophilia.